Keys to a Successful SSDI or SSI Claim

At Southeast Disability Advocates, our Florida disability attorneys know that successful SSDI or SSI claims are won or lost in the details. It is not the job of the claims handler to guess at your qualifications for any particular benefit. In order to ensure your claim is successful, you must provide evidence that compels the claims handler to approve you for receiving SSDI or SSI. As representative in your case, Southeast Disability Advocates will make sure that your evidence is well-documented.

Gather Medical Support For Your Social Security Disability Claim

There are two main elements to medical support, which involves securing all the necessary documentation you will need and having the support of your physicians and therapists. It is important to keep accurate and dated records of all treatments, scans, doctor and hospital visits, and receipts for any over-the-counter treatments you purchase. You will also need medical or therapeutic practitioners on whom you can rely to supply supporting letters for your disability benefits claim. This is another area where Southeast Disability Advocates can assist you in gathering and submitting the proper documentation.

Know Your Limitations Regarding Your Disability

Of course, you know how your disability limits you; you live with it every day. However, when it comes to providing that information to a judge, many individuals become flustered or forget key pieces of information that could have otherwise supported their case. You should create a list of limitations from your disability and use it when applying for benefits or appealing a decision. It is important to keep your list of limitations updated should your disability worsen and have your physician support the information you provide.

Track Income and Resources To Support Your Social Security Disability Claim

All disability applications take your ability to earn income into account, along with any resources you may have available to you. By showing that your income and resources are not sufficient to support your needs, you will address one of the two qualifying components for disability benefits. The inability to earn income, lack of resources, and any expenditure related to your disability will provide a great amount of support for your claim.

Speak to our Attorneys

Gathering all the information that you need can be a difficult task on its own. Knowing how to present your documentations and arguments is equally challenging. Southeast Disability Advocates has the knowledgeable staff and experience needed to help you build a strong and compelling case for SSDI or SSI benefits. Contact us to arrange a free consultation today.